So thats two Space Invader appearances so far..
So, the weather can get pretty nice on the moon. I'd move there right away if it weren't for the invaders.. from space. Oh, and those two clowns.
So thats two Space Invader appearances so far..
So, the weather can get pretty nice on the moon. I'd move there right away if it weren't for the invaders.. from space. Oh, and those two clowns.
Ew, thats late-night..
I don't think Moon-Hitler's enjoying this. Again though, weirdness is giving me happiness!
Must've meant WEEBLS-STUFF!
Ah-ha, rapidly fallin' in love with this series. Makes me think of the Who, tasty crepes, and how drunk you'd have to be to hit the moon.
Merry tuesday!
King of the Moons probably a good baritone, I'd like him on my Tuesday Caroling group. I notice the voices and mannerisms are shiftin' from the first episode. I'm glad I got a bunch more to watch.
Hande hoch?
Well great.. now i'm just depressed about losin' that big dope. Still, cool to see Sydney's got some sweet sub-woofers for their communication panels. So.. the Kings phone transcends time and space, no wonder he's king!!
I love the Who!
EHEHEE! I LOVE THIS STUFF! It makes no sense, but it fills me with joy-joys! I dig that muffling when they switched floors. Of course, now I got a hard need for cheese..
.. really nothing to critque in these cartoons, the animations lovely and the voices blend well with motion. Some folks just love to see their own voice.
The left?
I'd rather not ask why the King's got Moon-Hitlers bollocks memorized. Anyways, this one's even better than last, the oddity of it keeps getting bigger.. 'the hell was he even calling those ladies(?) on the phone for anyways? AND WITHOUT A PENIS??
That was weird! Like I got cartoon gravy all over my shirt and it looks like the Virgin Mary. Ended rather abruptly, but that ever-so-friggin' added to the weird punchline. He is.. the Toast King!
Holy crap, King really lost his patience with the Prawn in this one. So many BBC-TV refs in one episode, I love it like processed ham slices!! Animating the effects of a black hole have gotta be fun too. Did seem like less going on in this one though..
its Electro ..prick..
As a fan of all things that spurt from mini MOOGs, KORGS, YAMA-YAMAHAs, or even Rick Wakeman or Vangelis, THIS VIDEO HEEBS MY JEEBIES AND RUMBLES MAH ROCKET!! Thanks!
I drink malt liquour of varying degrees, smoke turkish cigarettes and play flash games, watch flash toons and listen to music on this site and offer nice comments about it
Age 39, Male
Freelance goodguy!
The Fantasy Zone
Joined on 3/22/09