Gah, my brain!
That was the greatest undersea epic ever set to film..
Gah, my brain!
That was the greatest undersea epic ever set to film..
Double Dragon 2, hell yeah!! This is an outstanding testament to the might of two of Newgrounds toughest guys, and all that 8-bit easily pushed my buttons. Nice fightin!!
Hahahhahahahaaa, that was great fun. Much better than just turning to stone or salt or whatever the hell happened in the movie.. you'd figure concentrated psychic energies'd blow your brain up or cause irreparable nerve damage. Good work, Ock!
Hot bones!
Now that was a kick-ass bit of tomb-raidin'. The ghost thing was a bit odd, but it all came out preety well in the end. Can't wait to see what happens next
We're uh.. we're not tryin' too hard here, are we?
I can understand lampoonin', but this hasn't got any real bite. This is like a parody of a parody of anime. But hey, animation was highly likable and the voices were crackerjack. Just.. really rather see them in somethin else
CLIFFHANGER! That was a pretty neat ditty the Sun Pirate had for his light-cascade thingy. This is gettin' tense! WHATS GONNA HAPPEN?
Aw yuck!
Think I'll stick to my earthly boat in Lake Lavon.. Nice to see all the characters mashin' up for a trip across the moon. And for all the strange info on how fishing goes down up there, I didnt need to see Moon-Hitler doin' a wee on a tree. Oh, and the website just changed to PICO DAY 09, for history's sake.
Gah, that was creepy.
I always hated those things. But this was a nice mix-up for Easter, and it was good to see those two dudes kind of .. surviving on the moon. Lucky Moon Keith Moon's got no flesh..
Daisy.. daisy..
Well, that was a pinch. I hate the HAL, its such a baby. But for everything else goin on in the episode, too much fun to be had of it. Wish I could be knighted into the Service of the Moon.
Oh wow, this is the funniest one yet! Planets arguin' like guys in a park, crushed plums.. knob of butter. Man, am I glad I got on and checked this out tonite! I'm havin' a ball. I remember readin that thing in the paper about pluto. Must be hard on a planet.
I drink malt liquour of varying degrees, smoke turkish cigarettes and play flash games, watch flash toons and listen to music on this site and offer nice comments about it
Age 39, Male
Freelance goodguy!
The Fantasy Zone
Joined on 3/22/09