I would pay 11,000 dollars to watch 4 episodes of this series, no exceptions.. delicious animation, unparalleled alien races, BOOBS AND BOOZE IN SPAAAAAAAACE!! .. I sure hope there's more..
I would pay 11,000 dollars to watch 4 episodes of this series, no exceptions.. delicious animation, unparalleled alien races, BOOBS AND BOOZE IN SPAAAAAAAACE!! .. I sure hope there's more..
I coulda used a buddy my first night..
again, Utah does best!
The whole Minecraft rush is displayed nicely in 2D, I gotta say, what did YOU do the first day?
And there he is in the joint!
Man, we got Russ Martin here in Dallas, those guys take forever to say somethin'.. your capacity for animating dialogue is priceless! I wish I had a bunch more, this shit makes me aquiver with giggle! the year 2322.. oh, jesus..
ha ha... ha, I KNOW A LOT ABOUT TAXES!!
Something worthy of sharing with the entire world!
Mostly, I like these talkies of yours! the dialogue covers what would normally be boring in other flashes. Gotta say it, buddy, you're my favorite on this site! Gigantor's terrifying revelation is a wonder to behold in this flash, as is that brought on and thrown into sharp relief on the whole 'net thing! Thanks very much, this made me laugh! .. and I shall twitter it, on the internet.
.. nah, just kiddin'
ha ha.. heh heh, that was cool..
startin to wonder if I like the bonus episodes rather than the series stuff. very fun brief Madness here, they oughta toss gallons of rocket fuel and Certain Death hot sauce in there and a giant celery, make a Madness Bloody Mary
Be there!
wow, I nearly peed my hat, that was AWESOME! pretty much every awful, lovable saturday cartoon I caught after the news.. and the song, so much fun. Harry's a fuckin' blessing to the world 'o animation!
tch, thanks for nothing Harry, now I cant get it outta my head. Really though, nice marriage of music and your peerless animatin' powers, fitting of a '03 submission on ABS. Only you could get two of my favorite things (boobs and cake) in a music video!
This oughta be a promo for the game itself, it'd save us all a mountain of trouble.. very funny stuff here.
Jazzy power chair?
This was way too fast and waaaaaay too funny.. so frikkin' weird.
That may've been the weirdest thing ever..
AND IT WERE GREAT! Full of jokes and action, not to mention some swell animation. Hopefully hasn't given Valve TOO many weird ideas.. anyways, great job, it was a cartoon for today
I drink malt liquour of varying degrees, smoke turkish cigarettes and play flash games, watch flash toons and listen to music on this site and offer nice comments about it
Age 39, Male
Freelance goodguy!
The Fantasy Zone
Joined on 3/22/09