Awesome, another wrist burner!! That was killer, really fast-paced, frantic.. and bein' a shark's like, one of my life-long dreams! Way too easy, but thats a nice switch! Good work here, it kicks shark-ass!!
Awesome, another wrist burner!! That was killer, really fast-paced, frantic.. and bein' a shark's like, one of my life-long dreams! Way too easy, but thats a nice switch! Good work here, it kicks shark-ass!!
I feel like I could kill a man with my wrist or finger right about now. Great little game, challenging yet.. not a pain in th' ass! And cute too, lookit em poppin' into the air so's I blow em up with my knife(?), awww..
Totally spaced out and got smacked in the face by Canti.. crap. Well, I was happy to see its one'a them there reaction games, good job on this! You oughta make some more, with MORE characters!! Why? Because MOAAAR!! Seriously though, nice game, I had a blast.
Hey, its me!
that made me dizzy, thanks man. Hard stuff, but not impossible. Also a pretty entertaining concept, good work on a weird game!
Intensely curious..
There's a lot going on here, the sort of thing I can't describe without thinking myself a smug prick, but I took something with me from this that is a strange treasure to me, so many thanks!
spooky stuff..
While most of the puzzling would'a bugged me, it was helped along by the surreal, almost suffocating world it all takes place in. I just LOVE that! So damn you for makin' it so hard (even if I'm grudgingly havin' fun) and props for the writing and style! It all makes my haed htur..
Now that was Madness! Nowhere near as mighty as Hank, but hey.. few things are. This was great fun, I keep tryin' to beat Masochist mode, so you've got me! Only thing I'd say besides 'Thanks!' or ' Buy me dinner!' is probably something drunk and slurry about making it a tad longer, so's to get more stuff. And a better weapon than the second-to-last, that thing was a sluggish-fest. Otherwise, fine job!!
A quiet rush!
Fantabulous work here, Ian. The whole minimism (is that right?) thing is played to great effect here, between the music and the roundy, gray world Lint inhabits. Nice improvement to the controls too! Wall-jumpin's a breeze with LINT! Good job here, i had fun! .. not that your talent's contingient on my liking it, of course.
I can feel my blood turning to red light..
A extra-worthy testament to Madness with a side 'a blood, this is one of the best games I've played, Flash or otherwise. For the first time, the series' energy and progression is captured in gameplay and given a bad-ass look too! I think with stuff like this and the others, we'll all have a blood-soaked Madness Day.. 20kg Supermagnum-sized thanks to Tom, Krinkels and Chamber, damn fine work.
A tasty treat!
Glad to see Luis back in action again, albeit in his sleep-things. Fine job here, all. Naturally, i wish there were more to play, but we can't hope for everything all the time. A-plus playing, I beat it on me first try and I did again, hoping to find the secret. Keep the good work up, whenever you feel like working!
I drink malt liquour of varying degrees, smoke turkish cigarettes and play flash games, watch flash toons and listen to music on this site and offer nice comments about it
Age 39, Male
Freelance goodguy!
The Fantasy Zone
Joined on 3/22/09